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1-click and gasless trading
1-click trading allows trading without interacting with Metamask. Vest enables 1-click trading by deriving an external wallet to sign transactions as follows:
User signs a high-entropy message derived from their wallet address and some randomness
Signed message is used as seed for a key derivation function, specifically HKDF
Derived key expanded to 64 bytes is used as the seed for secp256k1 private key generation
Generated private key is AES encrypted with unique salt and stored in the browser
Upon the first time creation of this external wallet, users will be asked to link the wallet to their account, effectively delegating trades to the external wallet.
Note that Vest does not store the generated private key in servers and cannot know the private key since it is re-derived cryptographically based on the user signature.
Gasless trading is made possible with ZkSync's Paymasters.
Last updated
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